After his foray into the Telugu film industry, Sekhar Kammula has carved a niche for himself to a particular genre of movies. Be it ‘Anand’ ‘Godavari’ ‘Happy Days’ or the recent ‘Leader’, he has his signature style of film making. However, there are few flip sides to the coin as well.
Many are wondering why Kammula doesn’t venture into bigger projects with bigger stars. That apart, the big question making rounds right now is, where is his ‘Life is Beautiful’? when last heard, Kammula was seen in various Vodafone hoardings with a caption that read ‘Kammula is searching..’.
With this, the buzz is whether Kammula is searching for the right cast or is he searching for a beautiful life to take off with his venture. Given his safe approach towards film making with new faces and moderate budgets, the cine folks say that it must not take Kammula such a long time. What’s the story Kammula??
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