That was late 70s time. Chiranjeevi was very small upcoming actor, who did not have his own identity in Tollywood then. Surprisingly, Chiranjeevi rejected to act in a good role in NTR's 'Kondaveeti Simham' but he agreed to act in another NTR's movie, 'Tiruguleni Manishi'. Why there was a contradiction in his decision?
Certainly, something was there. Even though, Chiranjeevi played a small role in any movie, he used to ask the producers to give him at least one song, and if the producers did not agree, he would leave away from the particular project. The reason for his acceptance to act in 'Tiruguleni Manishi' was that he was given one song in the movie. At the same time, the producers of 'Kondaveeti Simham' refused to allot a song for him, and hence he rejected to do that role. The role was later accepted by Mohan Babu.
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