It looks like Balakrishna's fans are right now very angry on Producer YVS Chowdary, who used be considered as a die-hard fan of Balakrishna. YVS Chowdary is the producer of Ravi Teja's 'Nippu', which has been postponed and now scheduled to release on February 17th.
This is making Balakrishna's upcoming release 'Adhinayakudu' to be postponed for one more week and the movie is releasing on February 23rd. This made Balakrishna's fans very angry on YVS Chowdary, as they have been eagerly waiting for Adhinayakudu's release and they did not want any movie to push their movie's release date. Also, it has been observed that YVS is deliberately trying to release his movie as a competitor to Balakrishna's film. We have to wait and see who is going to win.
This is making Balakrishna's upcoming release 'Adhinayakudu' to be postponed for one more week and the movie is releasing on February 23rd. This made Balakrishna's fans very angry on YVS Chowdary, as they have been eagerly waiting for Adhinayakudu's release and they did not want any movie to push their movie's release date. Also, it has been observed that YVS is deliberately trying to release his movie as a competitor to Balakrishna's film. We have to wait and see who is going to win.
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