Earlier, it was expected that Ravi Teja's 'Nippu', Balakrishna's 'Adhinayakudu' and Sunil's 'Poola Rangadu' will release for this year's Pongal, but all these three films were postponed. Although, the makers of these films are saying that delay in post production works is the reason behind this postponement, but as per the sources the actual reason is something else.
'Poola Rangadu' is coming from the production house RR Movie Makers, which is the same production house that produced 'Businessman'. As 'Businessman' is still running with good collections, RR Movie Makers still wants to keep the film in as many theaters as possible. So, 'Poola Rangadu' has to wait till the collections of 'Businessman' drop. The makers are releasing 'Poola Rangadu' on February 10th in nearly 450 theaters. This will block many main theaters, so 'Nippu' has been postponed to February 17th. Now, as per the sources, 'Adhinayakudu', which was supposed to release on the same day as 'Nippu', is now being postponed for one more week, and releasing on February 23rd.
'Poola Rangadu' is coming from the production house RR Movie Makers, which is the same production house that produced 'Businessman'. As 'Businessman' is still running with good collections, RR Movie Makers still wants to keep the film in as many theaters as possible. So, 'Poola Rangadu' has to wait till the collections of 'Businessman' drop. The makers are releasing 'Poola Rangadu' on February 10th in nearly 450 theaters. This will block many main theaters, so 'Nippu' has been postponed to February 17th. Now, as per the sources, 'Adhinayakudu', which was supposed to release on the same day as 'Nippu', is now being postponed for one more week, and releasing on February 23rd.
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