Ameesha Patel, who is currently romancing Balakrishna in his upcoming film Parama Veera Chakra, is not having a great run in Bollywood these days. However, that doesn’t make her desperate to pick up any role that has no values. Recently, she walked out of a Hindi film titled Rajdhani Express.
Ameesha was supposed to play Leander Paes’s lady love in Rajdhani Express. But things didn't really work out for Ameesha after all. Ameesha's character in the film required her to play the role of a flirtatious woman, who would go to any length for money.
Add to this the fact that there were a few steamy scenes with Tennis star Paes which made Ameesha very uncomfortable. It required her to show a lot of skin and the actress obviously found the role to be on the verge of being crass. When Ashok Kohli, narrated the role, Ameesha realized instantly that she cannot do it.
Ameesha was supposed to talk in a very bold language and in short her whole look was one of a girl who is vulgar and forthright. Ameesha was not ok about it and rejected the offer. Now Paes and Ahsok Kohli are in search of an apt replacement.
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