Mohan Babu’s daughter and an actor in her own right, Lakshmi Prasanna, is all set to make an entry into Tollywood with the much-talked-about Anaganaga O Dheerudu, a movie that also marks the entry of Walt Disney into the Telugu film industry. Lakshmi, who owns a production company with her father Mohan Babu and has previously worked with Hollywood stars like James Caan, Sylvester Stallone and others, is excited about her maiden Tollywood project. “Acting was always my dream, my passion and I always wanted to be an actress. I have studied theatre and acting. I used to practise for hours and when I would be away, I would do so online and through Skype. That’s what I did for this movie as well. I believe in my work,” she says.
After producing Jummandi Naadam and hosting the Lakshmi Talk Show, Lakshmi will next be seen on the soon-to-be-aired talk show, Prematho Mee Lakshmi. Talking about the movie, she says, “I am very thrilled. Tollywood is where I belong. I am more nervous about this movie’s release here than I was about the release of my projects that were shot by Oscar-winning directors.” But is she happy about her decision to play a negative role in her first Tollywood movie? “I am really happy with my decision. Doing things that are different, that is what I am known for. I did my best. Let the audience now decide on my performance.”
About taking up the role she says, “When Prakash, the director of this movie, approached me, I was initially very hesitant. In fact, I turned it down because of my busy schedule. But my mother convinced me to do the role.” Did her father “Dialogue King” Mohan Babu help with her dialogues? “I was confident with everything and did it all on my own. But while preparing to deliver important dialogues, I used to call him and he would write it down and then call back to guide me,” she says.
After working in both Hollywood and Tollywood, how would she compare the two industries? “Tollywood is getting close to Hollywood in the technical field. One thing I noticed here is that we should start practising more. We need to rehearse a lot. And I also believe that an actor should be selected for good acting than just for good looks. Actors should be good at acting first.”
Has she signed any other Indian movies? “There are a few movies that have been offered here and from Mumbai. But I am yet to confirm them. When those are announced, I will talk about them,” she says, adding, “I am also very thrilled with the encouragement I have received here and with the good things spoken about my role by the producers and directors.”
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