Tamil superstar Suriya doesn’t seem to give undue importance to his Hindi debut last week. Though director Ram Gopal Varma was keen to get Suriya over to Mumbai on the eve of the release for media interaction, Suriya cancelled the appointments at the eleventh hour. When contacted, Suriya said, “I couldn’t get away this week, as planned. I’m shooting the climax for Murugadoss’ film Ezham Arivu (the Seventh Sense). It’s a very complicated sequence. And the weather played truant, so we got delayed. I really wanted to be in Mumbai before the release of Rakta Charitra. Now I can’t move out of Chennai. I wish I was there to support my first Hindi release. But the climax of Murugadoss’ film required a Chinese martial artiste. We brought him in.”
An intricate martial arts stunt for Murugadoss’ film still remains to be shot.Says Suriya, “I can’t seem to find the time to prepare and shoot it. Now this Chinese artiste from Hong Kong will direct and choreograph this stunt. He says I need to train for at least a month for the stunt. But where’s the time?”Suriya sees no difference between a Tamil and a Hindi film. “I hope these artificial differentiations dissolve. Let’s not refer to films by their regional identity. Whether it is in Hindi, Tamil or Malyalam, it’s all a part of Indian cinema. Let me be known as an Indian actor from Tamil Nadu. If we take a pan-Indian view of films, in every language every aspect of Indian cinema, from the economics to the cultural identity would become simpler to handle.”
There are plans to dub and release Murugadoss’ Ezham Arivu in Hindi, depending on how Suriya is received by audiences in Rakta Charitra.Says Suriya, “There was a television premiere of the first part of Rakta Charitra on the weekend that the second part released. This raised interest.”
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