Actor Jagapathi Babu’s new film Black Money has begun its regular shooting from 18th February. As the title says, Black Money is being made on social problem of Illegal money in Indian financial market.
Speaking to media director says, “There are lots of black money which was being stacked in foreign banks by many big people and currently a debate is on as to how to use the money for the welfare of the people and country and this Black Money film would provide an answer for the problem.”
Being directed by Pusala Radhakrishna and produced by Natti Kumar under Vishaka Talkies banner, Black Money is touted as an action entertainer which gives a social message.
Speaking to media director says, “There are lots of black money which was being stacked in foreign banks by many big people and currently a debate is on as to how to use the money for the welfare of the people and country and this Black Money film would provide an answer for the problem.”
Being directed by Pusala Radhakrishna and produced by Natti Kumar under Vishaka Talkies banner, Black Money is touted as an action entertainer which gives a social message.
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