Siddharth, Nitya Menon, Priya Anand starrer 180 with a tag line Ee Vayasika Radhu has completed its entire shooting part of the film. The movie was earlier shot in the exotic locales of USA, Malaysia, and Hyderabad etc. As earlier informed, the movie is set for its summer release. 180 is a bilingual flick, being made in Telugu and Tamil versions.
Tanikella Bharani and Geeta will be seen in crucial roles in the film. Well-known Ad filmmaker Jayendran is debuting as a director with 180 and Satyam Cinemas is bringing it to the big screens. Sharath Vasudevan scored the music for the film and Cinematographer K.T. Bala Subramaniam captured the movie on Red camera.
Tanikella Bharani and Geeta will be seen in crucial roles in the film. Well-known Ad filmmaker Jayendran is debuting as a director with 180 and Satyam Cinemas is bringing it to the big screens. Sharath Vasudevan scored the music for the film and Cinematographer K.T. Bala Subramaniam captured the movie on Red camera.
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