Actor Vikram’s latest Kollywood film titled Deiva Thirumagan is being dubbed in the Telugu version. It is known that Vikram’s earlier movies such as Aparichichithudu,
Siva Puthrudu, Mallanna, Ravan were released in Telugu along with the Tamil versions as the actor enjoys a huge Telugu fan base.
The film is the remake of American film I am Sam and Vikram will be seen in the role of Krishna who is a mentally challenged adult with the maturity of a five-year-old boy. Anushka is playing the role of a Lawyer while Amala Paul as a teacher.
The movie is being directed by AL Vijay and music is by G.V.Prakash. The other details of the Telugu dubbed version will be announced soon. Stay tuned.
Siva Puthrudu, Mallanna, Ravan were released in Telugu along with the Tamil versions as the actor enjoys a huge Telugu fan base.
The film is the remake of American film I am Sam and Vikram will be seen in the role of Krishna who is a mentally challenged adult with the maturity of a five-year-old boy. Anushka is playing the role of a Lawyer while Amala Paul as a teacher.
The movie is being directed by AL Vijay and music is by G.V.Prakash. The other details of the Telugu dubbed version will be announced soon. Stay tuned.
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