Ram Charan’s fourth film ‘Merupu’ under the direction of Dharani had been launched at Rama Naidu studios. Several celebrities of T-Town graced the event. Mega Star Chiranjeevi had sounded the clap board for the muhurat shot while Ramanaidu switched on the camera.
‘Merupu’ is being produced by NV Prasad and Paras Jain jointly. Kajal Agarwal plays female lead in the film. The film has dialogues by Paruchuri brothers, music by Devi Sri Prasad, cinematography by PC Sreeram art by Thota Tharani and editing by VT Vijayan.
On the event Dharani said, “This is my first movie in this banner. There are big expectations on Ram Charan Tej after Magadheera and we prepared script to match the expectations. Merupu means lightening strike. There will be high voltage in this movie. The story of the movie is about how a youngster achieved his goal. There will be lots of commercial elements in this movie.”
Devi Sri Prasad, music director of the film said, “I liked this title a lot. I am working for first time with Dharani. He is a musical lover. I am excited about working for a movie which has PC Sreeram working for it. I am a good friend of Ram Charan Tej since childhood. He used to come to my house and play with musical instruments. It is a good story and the sequences for songs are very good. Ram Charan Tej is known for legendry dances and I am preparing songs to match that image. There will be six songs.”
Ram Charan Tej said, “It is a good commercial script. I felt good after listening to the story and it caters to all the sections of audiences. I am happy that PC Sreeram is working for my film. I knew NV Prasad since I was a kid. Devi Sri Prasad is my childhood friend. I listened to the tracks and I liked them. I am doing a unique character in this movie. It will be identified by today’s youth. The story is about how a youngster becomes victorious. There is a rhythm in the story. Producers are spending good amount of money on this movie.”
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