Recently we have seen Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan's movies releasing in more than 1000 theaters and getting huge collections irrespective of the final result. Despite of mixed talk, the recent release of Ram Charan, 'Orange' collected record breaking shares on its first day. This is possible only when the movie gets released in huge number of theaters and also when the Hero has the potential to get great openings.
Producer C. Kalyan has recently announced that they are planning to release 'Parama Veera Chakra' in more than thousand theaters. This is surprising news to many and many still believe that it may not possible to release it in those many theaters. Because, Bala Krishna's craze is not equally scattered throughout the state, and he is little weak in getting good openings in Nizam when compared to Andhra and other regions.
Also, PVC really has very low expectations despite the fact that it is directed by the legendary director Dasari Narayana Rao and despite the fact that Bala Krishna's previous movie is a super hit. So, whether the producer is just hoping to release the movie in more than thousand theaters or is it really going to happen, will be known on 12th or 14th January 2011, which is going to be the release date of the movie.
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